Friday, August 28, 2009

Rainy Goodness...

A a gardener. I love the rain. However, it is a love/hate relationship. It would be excellent if it rained only between the hours of 7pm and 4am. Unfortunately that doesn't happen. Especially in Melbourne. Gardeners need the rain to keep a job however it is very difficult to do work in the rain. Love/Hate. There are so many water saving strategies these days, I don't understand why there is not more on the band-wagon. We should have rain tanks in our gardens. However, the initial layout is huge. It is why the rich end up looking like the saints. New houses should be built with tanks being a mandatory addition.

I know of many people who would love to do the right thing and have tanks, however the costs associated with them hinders them. The Government should do something about this. Our water situation is dire. What will it take for the Government to do something? We all have our allocated litre/day? They go from election to election - that is it. I'm sick of it, quite frankly.

I actually think my cat Lucy would do a better job. Lucy for PM!


  1. I don't know about where you live but in the UK it seems that the government are only interested in the environment when its good for winning votes, i.e. makes them look good, and also a way of making tax revenue. If it costs them or they have to actually pull their finger out and do something for real you can forget about it. I know a lot of people who would take global warming more seriously if they didn't see it as just another government scam. I agree with what you say and the powers that be should help people with such important issues. Bob

  2. Oh indeed, the government only cares about climate change when there is a looming election!
