Friday, June 7, 2013


Here we are in Winter.  Its nice to snuggle up in the doona at night.  I've relations and friends in Queensland who love the fact that its over 25 each day.  I've never thought I could do this.  You need that break.  Not that, I'm not glad Queensland is there, to have a break from Melbourne, but I like Victoria and the saying that four seasons in one day = Melbourne.  So true! The plants gets a breather to.  They're allowed to go into dormancy for a few months. Everything slows down. There's always prunin to be done.  Of course rose pruning is a huuuuge task in Winter and I don't know about anyone else but at the statt of every rose pruning season, I'm always a bit unsure. Mid season, I'm back at being an expert and the. By the end of it, I'm so over it! This year, however, I haven't done any rose pruning thus far - whaaaaat? Quite bizarre I know, but I suspect I'll be starting next week! 

The other thing about winter is illness and we've been a bit unlicky this year. I've had a peristant cold which does not want to leave! My husband has been battling tonselitis on and off and our son has been battling chest infections and brochitus! This year seems to be worse than last year anyway, keep rughed up people and stay healthy. 


I've become quite excited about this genus. Not really knowing too much about them. I've just finished an assignment on them for uni & they are a very adaptable plant. I've had experience with Myoporum sp. primarily working in a native nursery, I came to realise that Myoporum parvofolium is a stunning example of what native plants can do in our Australian bush and be crossed over into a very innovative plant for the landscape. They are originally from WA so like hot dry climates but they do surprisingly well in our colder climate in Victoria. Eremophilas are also quite adaptable plants especially species which are grafted on Myoporum stock. There are some beautiful flowers of the Emu bush, my favourite, which is just esquisite is Eremophila albieta, gorgeous species. I hope they become more prevalent in the Victorian landscape.