So, how are my cuttings doing? Thanks for asking! ;)
Fuchsia magellanica - Hummingbird Fuchsia - Doing really well. I've two in one pot and I've just planted the third into a hanging basket by itself. I have another fuchsia in a hanging pot and its thriving. Its been there for about five years. Fuchsia's are just amazing plants. They seem to grow very well from cuttings.
Carpobrotus glaucesens - Pig Face
This is doing wonderful. I just put it in the garden and its taken off.
Carpobrotus edulis - Cape fig
Another amazing succulent. Its seems not be as prevalent as the pig-face but is still quite healthy and robust in the garden.
Grevillea sp (unsure on the name)
The parent plant is about to flower in the pot which is exciting. I am hoping, when it does flower, I might distinguish what species it is. The cuttings are fair. They have not died, but I am keeping a close eye on them.
Correa Dusky Bells
These are doing fabulously. As I grew the parent plant from a cutting, it is not surprising. What did surprise me, was that it flowered as a cutting.
Calothamnus quadrifidus
This is doing well. I had two areas of cuttings here. One in some water inside as a cut flower and the other, in cutting media. The cuttings in the water have since died, but I was surprised how long they lasted.
Dampiera diversifolia
I have never had success with this. Its a Western Australian plant, but I've been able to have success with other WA plants. The cuttings are slowly dying although I haven't completely given up on them. The parent plant is in the ground and looking like it too will die soon.
Prostanthera ovalifolia - Native Mint bush
These died unfortunately. I really wanted these to work.
Vinca Major (reminds me of my Nanna's garden) - Bigleaf Periwinkle
Success! Very excited about this. Yeah, they're
Hibiscus syracus - Rose Mallow
These died unfortunately. I will have to try again.
Pittosporum tenufolium (for a client) - Silver Sheen
These died too. I am not too heart broken about this one as I dislike pittos.
Dendrobium pieradii - Crucifix orchid
This has struck! Very excited about this!
Calendula officinalis - Pot Marigold
No surprises here, this struck very easily.
Crowea exalata - Small Crowea
Doing surprisingly well.
Pelagonium tomentosum - Peppermint scented Pelagonium
Love this plant and it grows in the ground from a cutting
Plectranthus argentatus - Silver Spurflower
This also worked wonderfully as did the last plant...
Plectranthus hilladiae 'Mona Lavender' - Mona Lavender Plectranthus
Correa lawrenceana Tree Correa
These unfortunately didn't work. The plants I harvested the cuttings from was an old specimen and beautiful.
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