Seeds are the beginning of any living thing's life, if we want to be technical. For plants, they come in an arrange of different sizes and colours. Some are round, some are hairy, some need to scarified before they can be germinated. Some can only be planted in specific conditions and times.
I went to
Heronswood on the weekend which is the home to Diggers ( Which if any gardener knows, its incredibly hard to go into a place like this and not leave without buying anything. I bought some seeds and planted them yesterday. I have a mini greenhouse at about 30 cm square and another one, a little larger at a metre squared. I picked up some great species.
Sturt Desert's Pea, Sweet Basil, Dwarf Pea & Capsicum 'Black Pearl'. My mum and I became mesmerised with the latter plant with its deep purple foliage and fruit. We both were so enraptured with it, we both bought the seeds.
Under my 30 cm greenhouse, I have had success with lettuce, beetroot and onions. I am hoping I will have the same such success with my new conquests. My no-dig plot has become home to my seedlings propagated under the greenhouses. Most have survived after their trip. Some, alas have passed on.
Melbourne had terrific storms on the weekend and rain was plentiful. Before I went away (for the three day weekend we were blessed with), I was a little worried for my
Choisya ternata, watermelon and two tomato plants. When I came back yesterday, all species were looking very vibrant after a large drink of water. Also, before I went away, I planted some geraniums and had been a little worried they had washed away. Luckily, when I returned, they were still there. I am not the biggest fan of geraniums, however, after working as a Gardener, now for three years, I've come to respect them. They suit our climate and therefore should be used more.
I have also cuttings, which I do not know will work. In the past, I have been lucky with
Myoporum parvifolium however, I know that this particular plant is very easy to strike. So I will just cross my fingers and hope that my news cuttings work.