Ok...I haven't had too many make-overs. I've had a lady who has ideas about next years; which is jolly. I have a lady who is happy with the work done since I started, which is nice and I have a lady who is counting down until I get back there...which, for now, it will not be until at least mid January.
I did do one make-over but its been in the works for some time, so its hardly the same thing. I made up an edible garden which which seemed to only work for about a month. So about a month ago, I added more soil, blood and bone and straw and started again. I planted capsicum, tomatoes, basil, cos lettuce and coriander. There were already rosemary and a lemon tree there. Its really working. The tomatoes are flowering and a few fruits were visible last week. By the time I'm back (early Jan), I am sure there will be lots of tomatoes. That's exciting.

This week, I am mowing. I like mowing. Its actually quite soothing. I wouldn't like to do it all the time, as it would drive me batty. However, its fun. Tomorrow, I am doing a place which is HUGE! I certainly feel like I'm working once I've done that lawn!
I love Christmas. I love the giving. I love the hot weather (not that it looks like we'll be getting that this year) and the smell of aeroguard and the sea...

So everyone, Merry Christmas!